Project Overview

Information Technology Services is undertaking a project to fully adopt Microsoft Teams for campus communication and collaboration needs. During the project, faculty and staff already using softphones (a software-based app that allows for phone calls using a computer or laptop rather than a dedicated physical phone) will transition from Cisco Webex to Microsoft Teams for phone calls. A compatible physical phone solution will be offered for those who continue to need one. The project also will transition the university’s preferred tool for group meetings, and webinars from Webex to Teams.  

Microsoft Teams is already a widely used collaboration tool on campus, for chat, video calling and small group meetings. With its popularity, Microsoft Teams was chosen to consolidate calling and collaboration needs.

The transition to Teams for calling and collaboration efforts simplifies the number of tools the campus community must maintain on their devices and can lead to cost savings for departments. Teams will include the features already available for softphones as well as many enhancements like better location services for emergency calling.

The project will include transitioning away from physical phones and analog technology in preference of Teams for all voice calling.  

The preferred video conferencing, webinar and group meeting application will also transition to Microsoft Teams.  


Project Details

The first phase of the migration will transition faculty and staff to the new solution. This migration will occur in groups of departments and colleges to move both physical and software phones. Those impacted will be notified in advanced and provided instructions and training for their new softphone service.

Teams will become the preferred videoconferencing solution. The campus community will be encouraged to utilize Teams over other videoconferencing and meeting apps.  

As the project progresses, transitioning identified physical phones to softphones using Teams will be completed as needed.

The project will also focus on solutions for campus call centers and steps needed to replace aging analog technology.


Schedule & Timeline  

  • May 2026
    • Migrations complete. All campus softphones moved to Microsoft Teams.
  • March 2025
    • Information Technology Services employee phone migration.
  • December 2024  
    • Early adopters began using Microsoft Teams for softphone calling. 

Proposed Migration Phases

Migration Phases
Phase Area/Department Date
Phase 0 Information Technology Services and Early Adopters March & April 2025
Phases 1 & 2 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and University Library May & June 2025
Phase 3 Athletics and Ivy College July 2025
Phase 4 No Groups Migrating August 2026
Phase 5 College of Engineering, Postal and Parcel Services, Chemistry Stores September 2025
Phase 6 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Department of Residence October 2025
Phase 7 Iowa State Daily, SVP Office of Operations and Finance, Public Safety, President's Office, Office of the Vice President for Research, AVP Office for Support Services November 2025
Phase 8 College of Health and Human Sciences, Recreation Services, College of Design, Transportation Services, University Museums, Veenker Memorial Golf Course December 2025
Phase 9 Extension and Outreach, Student Health and Wellness, Reiman Gardens, Campus Organizations January 2026
Phase 10 Enrollment Services Center, Graduate College, Dean of Students Office, Academic Administration and Support, Student Affairs February 2026
Phase 11 Bookstore, Environmental Health and Safety, College of Veterinary Medicine March 2026
Phase 12 Ames Lab, A/R, ISU Foundation April 2026

Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive a welcome email with more information and helpful links once you have been transitioned. Once moved, you may notice the number dial pad when you select the phone icon on the left-hand side of Teams.   

Yes. Current Microsoft Teams audio calls are available for employees by searching and calling by name. The new Teams voice will enable calling by phone number, allowing calls to off-campus locations such as a vendor or a technician's cellular phone. This will also allow employees to receive calls from off campus to their campus phone number. Teams Voice also includes features like voicemail and emergency location services. 

Physical phone users will have the option to opt out of the migration to the softphone-only option. Those keeping a physical phone will not keep their current phone but will receive a new, comparable physical phone. All users will have access to the softphone option, too. 

The Microsoft Teams Voice (softphone) service and the existing audio call button in Microsoft Teams are different services.


Microsoft Teams Voice (softphone) 

“Audio Call” button in Standard Microsoft Teams 

Already included in Teams app? 

No, you have to request the softphone feature.  


How to access? 

On left side menu, select Calls. A dial pad is available.  

On left side menu, select Chat. In the upper tool bar, select the caret to change from video call to audio call. A dial pad is not available.  

Find a contact via directory? 

Yes, can search by person’s name or number to place a phone call. 

No, directory information not available. 

Is voicemail included? 

Yes, voicemail available. 

No, only shows a missed call. 

Can make or receive external calls, outside the university?  



Need a dedicated phone number to place a call? 



911 location information 

Yes, when used on campus can detect location; you can also enter a location for working/learning remotely. 


Customizing other calling features? 

Yes, you can customize other calling features like secondary speakers and call forwarding. 

No, you cannot customize other calling features.