Kristen Constant, Vice President and Chief Information Officer.
About ITS

Our Vision
ITS is the trusted campus partner that enables excellence in education, research, outreach and university operations.
Strategic Plan
Learn more about our mission, vision and values within the department.
Annual Report 2023
See the campus impact of Information Technology Services.
classrooms with technology supported by ITS.
5.3 Petabytes
of data in high performance storage.
2.6 million
clicks protected by domain blocking service.
databases on 168 servers managed by mainframe support.
Our Work
Infused in all aspects of daily life on campus, Information Technology Services supports learning and teaching, research and creative endeavors, outreach, administration and student affairs.
The Information Technology Services department functions as the university’s central IT unit, responsible for technologies and services that are used broadly across campus along with diligent IT support.
ITS also cooperates with local or collegiate IT units that often offer discipline-specific services and support. ITS employees comprise more than 20 teams with various focuses, as detailed in the organizational chart below. ITS occupies offices in buildings across campus, including Administrative Services Building, Beardshear, Communications Building, Durham Center and Parks Library.
Among their many responsibilities, ITS teams deliver:
- Networking services that design and manage campus voice and connectivity services.
- Information security services that protect the integrity of researcher, student and employee data.
- Digital accessibility services that create inclusive digital experiences for users with disabilities.
- Identity services that enable and maintain a variety of university account logins.
- Technology support for faculty, staff and students at the IT Solution Center, located at 192 Parks Library.
- And more.
ITS Organizational Chart
IT Campus Committees
Faculty Senate IT
Faculty Senate IT represents faculty interests and concerns regarding IT. Serving in an advisory capacity to the CIO, the committee coordinates information of importance and addresses issues necessary to Information Technology Services.
Information Technology Leadership Committee
ITLC includes members from various colleges, departments, research centers, extension and the university library. Members meet to focus on central and campus IT issues, as well as advise IT leadership in the ITLC subcommittee.
Technology Enterprise Advisory Committee
Comprised of members who can provide broad and campuswide perspectives on enterprise technology, the monthly meeting and its attendees address differing enterprise issues, devise solutions and serve as representatives for the Workday Advisory Committee.
Associate Dean Technology Review
A collaboration effort between associate deans and college IT staff to develop and implement a college-wide IT strategy. Attendees meet monthly to devise policies for the university.
Student Technology Advisory Committee
Established in 2023, the committee works with student leadership to gather feedback on student technology concerns, functionality and the use of student technology fees. The committee meets two times during the semester.
HPC Steering Committee
Working to build the High Performance Computing community by engaging with collaborative HPC efforts and proposals, committee members act as advisors to the vice president and CIO. The committee also provides research on the use of institutional matching funds for HPC.
IT Professionals
Monthly meeting of campus IT professionals to review and discuss enterprise solutions. Members share updates, review initiatives, address outstanding topics and solicit feedback regarding the enterprise systems that support Iowa State.
AudioVisual Professionals Meeting
Monthly meeting for university audiovisual systems professionals. Members discuss technology trends, share information regarding best practices and standards with AV technology, and trade experiences with AV departments from other colleges.
ITS Change Advisory Meeting
Consisting of representatives from CELT, IT professionals and campus staff, members review upcoming maintenance and changes to technology systems provided by attending participants. The meeting also works to review and track the lifecycle of change requests in Canvas.
ITS Project Review
The ITS Project Review meets bi-weekly to discuss upcoming and ongoing campuswide projects for the ITS department. Members review customer impact, risk of outages, and how to get support.